Refund Policies
Refund policies for each program are listed below. If you have any questions about these policies please contact the club treasurer.
X-Ice Mite NSYHL League
Refund Policy Any player wishing to withdraw from JRHC after his or her tuition has been paid in full, must do so in writing, to the JRHC Board of Directors. Tuition refund requests will be granted on an individual case by case basis. Upon receiving this written request, the player’s withdrawal date will be established. Tuition refund requests will be considered only upon written request to the JRHC Board of Directors for cases of illness and/or injury that prohibit the player from participating in the sport of ice hockey for the balance of the hockey season. No refund will be granted for any reason other than the aforementioned, including, but not limited to, players leaving JRHC to join another organization, whether hockey or not; to play for a high school team; and/or due to dissatisfaction and/or problems with coaches, teammates, ice officials, and/or leagues. In all circumstances, proof of exception must be submitted to the JRHC Board together with the request. The amount of refund, if any, will be pro-rated but in no circumstance will it be more than one-half of the tuition payments made to the JRHC. The timeframe, in which a tuition refund check will be issued, if approved, may be subject to availability of program funds. Without exception no refund will be granted for tryout fees and/or registration deposits for Hockey Programs as all are deemed non-refundable. We fully understand youth hockey is expensive and life throws us curves, however, it is your responsibility to communicate and work with us to ensure your payments are made timely.
Worcester White Hawks Tryouts
Tryout fees are non-refundable
Junior Railers AAA Tryouts
Tryout fees are non-refundable
Valley Hockey League Tryouts
Tryout fees are non-refundable
Worcester Rail Dawgs Tryouts
Tryout fees are non-refundable
AAA National Bound Tryouts
Tryout fees are non-refundable
Learn to Play Hockey
All deposits are non-refundable.
Paul Drapeau House League
Any player wishing to withdraw from JRHC after his or her tuition has been paid in full, must do so in writing, to the JRHC Board of Directors. Tuition refund requests will be granted on an individual case by case basis. Upon receiving this written request, the player’s withdrawal date will be established. Tuition refund requests will be considered only upon written request to the JRHC Board of Directors for cases of illness and/or injury that prohibit the player from participating in the sport of ice hockey for the balance of the hockey season. No refund will be granted for any reason other than the aforementioned, including, but not limited to, players leaving JRHC to join another organization, whether hockey or not; to play for a high school team; and/or due to dissatisfaction and/or problems with coaches, teammates, ice officials, and/or leagues. In all circumstances, proof of exception must be submitted to the JRHC Board together with the request. The amount of refund, if any, will be pro-rated but in no circumstance will it be more than one-half of the tuition payments made to the JRHC. The timeframe, in which a tuition refund check will be issued, if approved, may be subject to availability of program funds. Without exception no refund will be granted for tryout fees and/or registration deposits for Hockey Programs as all are deemed non-refundable. We fully understand youth hockey is expensive and life throws us curves, however, it is your responsibility to communicate and work with us to ensure your payments are made timely.
Full Ice Mite Invitational
refund policy
Paul Drapeau House League
Any player wishing to withdraw from JRHC after his or her tuition has been paid in full, must do so in writing, to the JRHC Board of Directors. Tuition refund requests will be granted on an individual case by case basis. Upon receiving this written request, the player’s withdrawal date will be established. Tuition refund requests will be considered only upon written request to the JRHC Board of Directors for cases of illness and/or injury that prohibit the player from participating in the sport of ice hockey for the balance of the hockey season. No refund will be granted for any reason other than the aforementioned, including, but not limited to, players leaving JRHC to join another organization, whether hockey or not; to play for a high school team; and/or due to dissatisfaction and/or problems with coaches, teammates, ice officials, and/or leagues. In all circumstances, proof of exception must be submitted to the JRHC Board together with the request. The amount of refund, if any, will be pro-rated but in no circumstance will it be more than one-half of the tuition payments made to the JRHC. The timeframe, in which a tuition refund check will be issued, if approved, may be subject to availability of program funds. Without exception no refund will be granted for tryout fees and/or registration deposits for Hockey Programs as all are deemed non-refundable. We fully understand youth hockey is expensive and life throws us curves, however, it is your responsibility to communicate and work with us to ensure your payments are made timely.